Habitus: Body transparent to slightly rose, eyes absent or not visible after the preparation. Apart from the head appendages (cirrus internus and externus and drop-shaped cephalic papilla (secondary clava)), only lateral cirrus A (with clava near the base (primary clava) present). Cuticle: Dorsal plates covered with fine, but distinct dark dots that appear as granulation under PCM, but are in fact cuticular pillars within cuticle. “Granulation” distinctly larger on the scapular and the terminal plate. In addition to the “granulation”, slightly larger and irregularly distributed pores are visible mainly on the margins of all dorsal plates. Scapular plate facetted with a median longitudinal fold and a few smaller transverse folds. Paired plates divided into two unequal anterior and posterior parts by a transverse stripe without “granulation”. Median plates 1 and 2 divided, median plate 3 undivided. Twelve supplementary plates poorly visible near median plates 1-3. The terminal plate facetted with two longitudinal folds. Ventral plates arranged in eight rows: 1 plate in row I (between legs I), 1 plate in row II (between legs I and II), 2 plates in row III (between legs I and II), 2 plates in row IV (between legs II), 2 plates in row V (between legs II and III), 2 plates in row VI (between legs III), 2 plates in row VII (in line with the gonophore) and 1 plate in row VIII (below the gonophore); i.e. the ventral plate configuration VIII:1-1-2-2-2-2-2-1. All ventral plates with fine and indistinct “granulation”. Legs and claws: Spine on legs I and papilla on legs IV absent. Collar on legs IV with poorly developed and irregular teeth. External claws of all legs smooth, internal claws with very small spurs directed downwards. Remarks: In some specimens ventral plates are indistinct (examination of at least several specimens to ensure correct identification is strongly recommended).